Hydraulic App #1 –Entertainment Industry-32 Axis Hydraulic System

Customer requested PSIF engineering staff to design and build a system to handle 32 axis of motion for their specific motion base design. The HPU designed incorporates (2) 50 hp/60 gpm pump/motor groups, (2) 10 gallon accumulators, with high and low pressure filtration. An independent cooling/filtration loop was included into the design.

Additionally PSIF supplied the 32 axis of valves utilizing the Duplomatic/Continental Hydraulics NG6, Proportional with on-board electronics and spool position feedback. Royal West Coast Cylinders assisted us in designing a small bore cylinder utilizing specialized internal position feedback.

PSIF also supplied the “leak-free” 0-ring face seal tube assemblies used as the pressure and return flow headers from the HPU to the individual motion bases.

With minimal start-up assistance required and a satisfied customer, PSIF has had multiple repeat orders from this customer.

We are happy to be involved with providing many thousands of people daily a pleasant simulated ride utilizing PSI of Florida products and systems.

Hydraulic Control Systems