- Accumulators, Inc
- ACT Sensors
- Anchor Fluid
- AKG Thermal
- Atos
- Brennan Industries
- Butech
- Burkert
- BVA Hydraulics
- CBF Hydraulic
- Comatrol
- Continental Hydraulics
- Danfoss
- Duplomatic
- Graco
- Hamlet
- Haskel
- Hawe
- Honor
- Hydronit
- Miller Fluid Power/Parker
- Marzocchi
- Noshok
- Oilgear
- Rotzler
- Royal Cylinders-West Coast Hydraulics
- Ryco Hydraulics
- Starcyl
- Stauff
- Stucchi
- Woodward/Textron
- Youli
- Young Powertech
By definition in its purest form, “hydraulic” is the transmission of energy in the form of pressurized of pressurized liquid flow through lines to a hydraulic actuator thereby conducting work.
At PSIF, we take this “work” seriously since it is this “work” that our customers must have in their process and on their equipment to complete the specific task required. The principal product lines below are some of the primary vendors we represent and promote to our customers. They are recognized as leaders in their respective fields of manufacture and we are recognized by them as being authorized to sell and apply their products in our market.
We look forward to working with you on your application!